About FAR-TECH, Inc.
Complex System Solutions Based on Expert Science and Computational Skills.

FAR-TECH, Inc., was founded in 1994 to exploit cutting-edge opportunities in the areas of plasma physics, fusion energy, and particle accelerators. The company has been awarded many Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants by the U.S. Departments of Energy (DOE) and Defense (DOD), and has also completed projects for national laboratories, universities, and private companies. FAR-TECH specializes in modeling/simulation, data analysis, custom hardware/software design, and validation tests. The company's research and development focuses on topics related to RF modeling and plasma/fusion.
Some of our current and former collaborators include:
- DIII-D National Fusion Facility
- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- The University of California
- Private Companies
The scientists employed at FAR-TECH, Inc. are one of the company’s main assets. With the majority holding Ph.D.'s in physics and engineering fields, many novel concepts and pioneering research ideas in RF and plasma physics are conceived in the company. Publications and patents provide partial evidence of such achievement.
The President of FAR-TECH, Inc., Dr. J.S. Kim, earned her Ph.D. in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley. She has successfully led many DOE and DOD projects and has published numerous scientific papers. Coordinating scientific and engineering tasks with government agencies, national laboratories, universities, and private companies, Dr. Kim has gained experience in broad areas of science and engineering. She has in-depth experience in fusion and accelerator physics, as well as computing technology.